Unlike where I grew up, New York really has four distinct seasons. By a long shot, the spring and fall are the best. The summers are oppressively hot and sticky and I can think of few things worse than my swollen feet, cut up in every possible dimension from the various sandals I own, standing on the steaming hot subway platform, where I'm inhaling dust and grime and smoke while waiting for a train that will most certainly be filled with too many sweaty bodies wearing too little clothing, all packed tightly against one another. Winter can be nice, but it tends to just be cold without much fresh snow to enjoy. When it does snow, it's usually a few hours of pristine loveliness immediately followed by days of slushy mess, making my morning and afternoon treks through Times Square a bit of a landmine in terms of icy puddle jumping. But the fall and the spring are terrific. For one thing, there actually is a fall here. It brings with it slightly cooler temperatures but a long-awaited drop in the humidity, and the leaves remain on the trees long enough to reveal their true colors. The spring, in which I dare say we currently are, teases us with earlier sunrises and later sunsets, cooler nights but warmer days, and a splendor of buds, flowers, and beauty. The cherry blossoms, magnolias, daffodils, and tulips have made running in the Park lately something of a dream.
I'm known to complain about New York from time to time. It's too busy, too crowded, too expensive. The airports are a nightmare, the roads are clogged, and sometimes it's easy to feel trapped on this island. I don't anticipate I'll live here forever. At some point, wide(r) open spaces, or, at the very least, a washer/dryer, will beckon. But on days like today, it's a treat to be in the City. Tomorrow I have my longest training run yet -- 23 miles. I plan to run three full loops of the Park, plus the middle four mile loop, which, from my home and back, should add up to 23.221 miles (to be exact). It would be an all the more daunting proposition if I were facing grey skies or strong winds. But tomorrow, my forecast looks like this:

You ate in the park without me!!!!!!