Thursday, April 12, 2012


Recently, Zdenek and I visited one of our local cycling shops in search of a bike helmet for Ryder. A few years ago, we would often spend a few hours on either Saturday or Sunday milling around the cycling shops, checking out the latest models and purchasing unnecessary accessories. Sadly, though, I rode all of twice (I think) last summer on my little red Giant, and Zdenek fared only slightly better. A few weeks ago when a bike catalog arrived in our mailbox, I actually shed a tear in realization of how dearly I miss cycling.  We resolved that night to try to make an effort to cycle at least a few times this summer – with Ryder – by taking advantage of the jogging-stroller-to-bike-trailer conversion feature of our Chariot, but we’re no doubt getting ahead of ourselves. If I’m honest, I bet we’ll cycle once – maybe twice – as a family this entire summer, because it’s going to be a lot of effort to get everyone hitched up and ready to ride:

1. Configure Zdenek’s rear tire to accommodate bike trailer.
2. Zdenek rides elevator down to lobby with his bike while Jodi and Ryder wait in the apartment.
3. Zdenek leaves his bike in the lobby and rides the elevator back up to the apartment.
4. Jodi, Zdenek, and Ryder leave the apartment with Ryder in the bike trailer and Jodi with her bike.
5. Jodi rides elevator down to the lobby with her bike; Zdenek rides in a different elevator with the bike trailer (and hopefully with Ryder still in it).
6. Family reconvenes in lobby. Zdenek hooks up bike trailer (with Ryder in it, assuming he hasn’t been removed due to crappy pants and/or attitude by this time) to his bike.
7. Family rides off together to Central Park and hopefully completes at least one loop.
8. Family returns home, and carries out steps 1-6 in reverse order.

And if that doesn't seem like the most inconvenient 20 minute workout ever designed, consider that the potentially most troublesome step isn’t even outlined: fitting Ryder into his bike helmet.

Like all munchkins his age, Ryder is a fan of patting his head when he hears the word “head,” and retrieving his hat when he hears the word “hat.” He doesn’t, however, like to combine “hat” and “head” together. He seems to prefer the feel of a gentle breeze through his fine blond hair, and hats are always greeted with a (1) toss, and (2) mini-tantrum if a chin strap or other accessory prevents him from tossing it. So despite how bad-ass Ryder’s new little Giro helmet looks with its flaming red design; despite the fact that he knows the word “helmet” and instantly retrieves all three of our helmets (individually) upon hearing it; and despite his obvious amusement at the sight of Zdenek and me wearing our helmets, the kid does not want his helmet on his head for more than a fraction of a second (let’s not even mention the chin strap).

Sadly, though, we won’t be able to cycle unless the little dude’s head is crash-proofed, and I can’t imagine getting him to that state without a lot of crying, kicking, and screaming (by all three of us). I have a feeling that the most difficult thing about cycling together won’t be the early hour at which we need to do it to avoid the crowds, nor the many steps involved in getting our bikes ready to go from our 10th floor apartment. No, the most difficult part about cycling as a family will likely turn out to be the total refusal of the smallest member to wear a simple, but necessary, piece of equipment. It makes me want to bang my head.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, this helmet is too funny and adorable! I love the little red flames :).
