One morning last week, as I picked through the too-soft plums and under-ripe bananas in our fruit bowls at work, a colleague, who was also surveying the sub-standard fare, remarked, “I guess we’re not in California.” No, we are most certainly not in California. We are in the middle of an East Coast heat wave. New York is always a bit hot and sticky in the summer, but the weather over the last few days has been something altogether different. It is above 30 degrees Celsius when I wake up before 6 am, and it is above 30 when I go to bed at night. Today’s high is supposed to hit 38, and that’s before taking any humidity into account. I am trying very hard to leave my A/C off or set to no cooler than 76 degrees, lest I contribute to what might be an inevitable NYC blackout, but it’s tough being so kind to Mother Earth.
Miraculously, though, I’ve managed to cycle and/or run through every day of this heat wave. Zdenek and I rode over 30 miles on Saturday morning -- one for each degree, it seems. (On every other loop, I cut off a mile so that he could ride hard and we’d meet each other back at the start, which actually worked out pretty well for us.) On Sunday, despite having had very little sleep after attending a wedding the night prior, I rolled out of bed to run just over 7 miles in the searing heat. Yesterday I managed the same. Today, even though it was 32 degrees at 6:20 am, I actually opted for a third day of torturous running, after an email from Caitlin confirmed that she just couldn't stomach a ride with me in this weather.
Truthfully, though, I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t love it, and I know that every run or ride in adverse conditions just makes me that much stronger. So long as I go slowly and make friends with every water fountain along the way, I usually manage just fine (of course, the humidity hasn’t been above 70% in the morning -- yet -- so this helps considerably). Indeed, there’s something about keeping active in the heat that actually makes it seem that much more tolerable. In fact, yesterday afternoon, having retreated inside my air conditioned apartment for several hours following my morning run, I headed to the gym for my second workout of the day; sitting outside on the patio was far too uncomfortable, but I refused to allow the heat to win. The boiling temperatures are forecast to stick around the next several days, so I hope I don't lose my fighting spirit by week's end.
So while we may not be in California, I’m going to do my best to avoid letting a little heat keep me grounded in New York City. As the song goes, if I can make it here, I’ll make it anywhere. I am certain that applies to running, too.
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